Wednesday 27 February 2019

Born To Die. World Is A Fuck.

 What is the meaning to all of these? We have born because our parents wanted us to at some point. But it is not their right to throw us at this existence. Okay, they did. So what should be doing after that? Should we accept our existence and just go on with it? Is there something worth to live for? What is the purpose given to the human race? Why do we live for 50-70 years and then just cease to exist? All we have and will ever have will be in those 50-70 years. So all the time we got is about 60 year. And then we will just vanish just like before the birth.

 So what do we do with only and everything we got - the life of ours? We are born, we struggle with the condition of our lifetime and the body of ours, and then typically we die. We accomplish nothing. All our hopes, loves, excitements and fears and worries are gone. Which were so little actually. We didn't get the most out of life, almost no one did. We didn't care even a little about the only thing we have. We didn't enjoy it at most. We didn't suffer at most. We didn't experience at most. This one the only chance we got and we just threw it to the trash with being blind with the things that surround us. We just played the given role. We didn't become ourselves. We were mesmerized. Life was not ours. We tried hard to adjust to life but there was something not fitting about it.

 We only tried to adjust ourselves to life but we didn't try to become what we want to be. We didn't care about us, we just cared about the role. The thing we want the most, the thing we are happy with the most. All of them was the last thing on our mind.

 The only thing we will ever be had will be wasted the time we lose it. We will lose everything but there is a difference with wasting it to trash or wasting it with enjoying it. There is no big purpose but we can at least use it wisely with getting the most of it.

 But does it really matter? Are we able to enjoy it enough to afford the effort we will give? Or are we destined to be doomed with the life given to us? Is there even meaning to try to find a meaning to our lives? Are not we be sad in the end, all the time?

 So why would we live? Why shall we still suffer while there is no meaning? There is doom at the end of every path. Death awaits us where ever we go. The only rest we will have is at the graveyard. We are trying to reach stars while the only thing we are capable of is reaching other continents - at most. We can only imagine what it is like to reach other galaxies and that wish will become toxic as the craving increases.

 There is no reason to live. There is no reason to hope. There is no reason to be.
We are all born to die. World is a fuck.

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